lip fillers

Beautiful Lips with Lip Fillers


At Très Jolie Medical Spa, we understand that your lips are a vital part of your overall facial appearance. Plumpy, sexy, natural lips are popular requests at Très Jolie Medical Spa. We love achieving the perfect pout for our patients while maintaining a natural and balanced look. Whether you want to add just a little hydration or want to impress with your lips, we have you covered. Our experienced providers listen to your vision and discuss treatment options to help achieve your goal.

Why Choose Lip Fillers

Lip fillers have become a popular, non-surgical cosmetic option for those seeking to enhance their lips’ volume and shape. Our injectors use only the highest quality, FDA-approved hyaluronic acid fillers to provide you with safe and effective results. Here are few reasons why our clients choose our lip filler services: 

  • Natural-looking results: Our injectors prioritize a natural appearance. We work with you to determine the ideal amount of filler needed to enhance your lips while maintaining facial harmony. 

  • Customized approach: We recognize that every individual has unique facial features and goals. Our personalized approach ensures that your lip filler treatment is tailored to your specific needs, delivering results that align with your vision. 

  • Minimally invasive: Lip filler procedure is done in the office with minimal downtime allowing you to return to most activities the next day. 

  • Safety and FDA-approved: Our medical spa only uses FDA-approved dermal fillers that have a proven safety record. You can trust our experienced injectors to administer treatments with your well-being in mind. 

The Tres Jolie Lip Filler Experience

Your journey towards more beautiful lips begins with a personalized consultation. During this consultation, our providers will discuss your goals, assess your facial structure, and recommend a treatment plan that aligns with your desired outcome. We will answer your questions and ensure you are fully informed about the process. 

On the day of your treatment, we prioritize your safety and minimizing discomfort during the treatment. Our injectors will use their expertise to administer your filler with precision and care. Our skilled team of injectors is experienced in using several lip filler techniques to achieve the desired goal. The treatment is relatively quick and you will be able to resume most of your daily activities the same day.

What to expect after Lip Filler Treatment

After your lip filler treatment, you will notice an immediate enhancement to your lip volume and shape. Lip swelling and bruising can vary from minimal to moderate for the following 3-5 days with most of the swelling gone after two weeks. Following post-care instructions is important to help you heal faster and improve your results. Should you have any questions prior to your two-week follow-up, always feel free to contact our office. 

Maintaining Your results

Lip fillers are not permanent and longevity can vary depending on factors such as the type of filler used and your individual metabolism. However, you can maintain your results with regular touch-up appointments. Our team will work with you to create a maintenance plan that ensures your lips continue to look their best. 

Schedule Your consultation

Are you ready to get the lips you always wanted? Contact Très Jolie Medical Spa to schedule your consultation and take the first step towards gorgeous new lips. Our expert team is excited to help you achieve your beauty goals and make you feel more confident.