Take the First Step Towards Radiant Skin

SkinPen Microneedling

Welcome to Très Jolie Medical Spa in Chicago, IL - Your Premier Destination for SkinPen Microneedling.

At Très Jolie Medical Spa, we are dedicated to helping you achieve radiant and youthful-looking skin through our advanced SkinPen Microneedling treatment. Our team of skilled professionals is committed to providing you with the highest level of care and delivering stunning results that leave you feeling confident and rejuvenated

What is SkinPen Microneedling?

SkinPen Microneedling is a cutting-edge cosmetic procedure that combines the power of microneedling with the rejuvenating properties of your body's natural growth factors found in plasma. This FDA-approved treatment is designed to target various skin concerns and promote the production of collagen and elastin for firmer, smoother, and more radiant skin.

The Microneedling Process:

Consultation: Your journey towards healthier skin begins with a thorough consultation with our experienced practitioners. During this session, we will assess your skin type, discuss your concerns, and develop a personalized treatment plan tailored to your specific needs.

Microneedling Treatment: The procedure starts with the application of a numbing cream to ensure your comfort during the treatment. The SkinPen microneedling device is then used to create micro-injuries on the skin's surface, stimulating the body's natural healing response. Plasma is then applied to the treatment area, allowing the skin to absorb the powerful growth factors.

Benefits of SkinPen Microneedling:

  1. Improved Skin Texture: SkinPen Microneedling encourages the growth of collagen and elastin, resulting in smoother and more refined skin texture.

  2. Reduced Wrinkles and Fine Lines: The treatment diminishes the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles, helping you achieve a more youthful complexion.

  3. Minimized Pores: Microneedling can reduce the size of pores and improve their appearance for a smoother skin surface.

  4. Diminished Scarring: Whether caused by acne or other factors, microneedling can help reduce the appearance of scars.

  5. Enhanced Skin Tone and Radiance: The treatment can even out skin tone, promoting a healthier and more radiant complexion.

Recovery and Results:

Following the treatment, you may experience mild redness and sensitivity, which typically subsides within a few days. Many patients begin to notice improvements in their skin's texture and appearance within a few weeks, with optimal results becoming visible over several months as collagen production continues.

At Tres Jolie Medical Spa, we recommend a series of treatments to achieve the best results, and our team will guide you through the process to ensure your satisfaction.

Schedule Your consultation

If you're ready to experience the transformative benefits of SkinPen Microneedling schedule a consultation with Tres Jolie Medical Spa today. Our dedicated team is here to provide you with exceptional care and help you achieve the beautiful skin you deserve.